Virtual Author's Tour
Concept: Author's Virtual Book Tour
Erotica writers usually don’t get a huge opportunity to do book signings. It’s just not what’s available to us. Yet, most if not all authors of erotic romance, erotic science fiction, historical erotica, and many other sub-genres, have blogs.
What if we all start to do virtual tours about our books? What if as a group we all interview each other and send out blog posts to tell the world about these amazing new stories we are all writing? It seems to me that we could cross link our posts and generate some traffic for the new books.
Next Steps:
If you are interested, then get in contact with me and we can start sharing posts that promote your book in both our blogs. The more author’s we get to include the post about the book, the more we’ll cross pollinate our social media, and thus promote our virtual tour.
You can email me directly at the[dot]smut[dot]author[AT]gmail[dot]com
Let’s get this virtual tour started…
General Information Request:
- Author’s Name (Pen Name)
- Author’s Page link
- Book Title & Subtitle if any
- Blurb (unless you pic question #2) – this is optional
- Link to your books selling page(s)
- Link or image of cover art for your book.
Here are some questions that may trigger a good blog post / conversation about you and your book:
- What inspired you to write this book?
- Tell me about the book, something I won’t find on the blurb at the back of the book.
- What did you learn as you wrote this book, something unexpected would be great?
- What surprised you the most?
- Explain the meaning of the title of your book, and if you considered other titles before settling on the final version.
- If you could have a conversation with your main characters, what would they say about the journey you put them through?
- What are your characters doing now, in between books or after the end of the series?
- What did the main characters teach you about them, and about you?
- Are these characters based on someone, or a mix of people, or did you make them out of whole cloth?
- What is your background, and what are some of the backgrounds of your characters you didn’t have the room to include in your book?
- How difficult was it for you to write erotic fiction? What is the perception of your writing by family, friends and acquaintances? What did you edit out of your book?
General Questions about the Author to consider:
- What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?
- Do you hear from your readers much? Do you pay attention to reviews? How much do they affect you?
- What tools do you use when your write your books?
- How much research goes into each book?
- Is writing a full-time job? Are you hoping it will become a full-time job at some point?
- On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?
- What scenes drain you the most?
- How do you get in the mood to write sexy, sad, tense, scenes?
- How long have you been writing? Where would we find your writing?
- What was the first story you wrote? What was it about?
Style Questions for Authors:
- Are you a plotter, pantster or a combination of both? How do you develop the plot and character arcs for your books?
- What is the greatest challenge you face in writing in your genre?
- Do you edit as you go along? Or, do you wait till the draft is done before you give it a thorough editing?
- How many drafts do your books usually take?
- What is your preferred point of view (POV) for your stories? First Person past, First Person present, Third Person Intimate, or Third Person Omniscient?
- What is the period (past, present, future) of your books? Why did you pick that period?
Miscellaneous Questions for Authors:
- How do you pick the names for your characters?
- What is the most difficult thing about writing a character of the opposite sex?
- How do you keep your erotic scenes fresh and non-repetitive?
- Do you find writing cathartic? If so, can you give us an example?
- How long did your write before launching into long-form (Novella or Novel)
- What do you think makes a good story?
- How strong is your antagonist? Do they have any redeeming traits?
- What would you tell someone starting this journey?
Want to get started more quickly?
GREAT!!! Let's Do it.
- Send an email with all the GENERAL INFORMATION
- Pick ANY ten (10) questions, and answer them, and send me the document
- I'll create a draft blog post and let you see it for approval. We get three tries at it, and then the following Sunday it appears on the blog
- We both push it to our social media from both our blogs